Radio-equipment Certificates – Detailed Information

Documents required for issuing RE Confirmation of Conformity

For issuing of Confirmations of conformity according to Rulebook on Radio-equipment you must submit:

Filled and verified Request for certification according to the Rulebook (In the request, there are fields that are required and it must be filled, otherwise the application is considered incomplete).

Request form could be found here.

Important note: On the second page of Request form is a Contract that need to be signed and sealed. Contract should be sent to Kvalitet a.d. only the first time you send a request for the issuing of a Confirmation of certificate according to Rulebook. Without a signed contract Kvalitet a.d. will not be able to issue you requested documents.

  • Declaration of conformity issued by the manufacturer with reference to Directive RED 2014/53/EU and standards that relate to RF spectrum, EMC and safety.

    Required: For issuing of the Confirmation of conformity it is required to submit a original Declaration of conformity, stamped and signed by the authorized person from your company. Declaration should be sent to Kvalitet a.d. in electronic form when applying by e-mail, and the original should be sent by regular mail.

  • Test reports according to the harmonized standards listed in the Declaration of conformity issued by the manufacturer:

    • RF test reports according to the standards of the Declaration of RF spectrum
    • EMC test reports according to the standards of the declaration for EMC
    • Safety test reports according to the standards contained in the Declaration on Safety
    • Test reports according on the standards relating to the limitation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields
  • Preliminary design, manufacturing drawings and schemes of components and other component parts (if available)

  • Descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of said production schemes and drafts of operation (if available):

    • List of harmonized standards applied in full or in part. If harmonized standards wasn’t applied, descriptions and explanations of the solutions on the basis of which it was realized that the essential requirements of Article 4 of this Rulebook are met
    • the results of the conducted calculations, tests, etc.
    • reports on the performed tests and measurements

Note: According to the Rulebook the applicant can only be a legal entity registered in the Republic of Serbia!

If you have any questions regarding anything above or around the completion and submission the request, please contact us.

Additional comments regarding the issuing of Confirmation of conformity

For the issuing of Confirmation of Conformity is required to make request (via e-mail or by letter) that must contain: your business name, address, registration number, tax identification number, contact information (e-mail, phone, contact persons).

If the equipment you are applying for already have issued EMC and/or LVD Confirmation of Conformity issued by Kvalitet a.d., please do emphasize, as we will in this case be able to reduce you costs for issuing RE Confirmation, and the procedure of issuing can be shorter.

According to Article 5 of the Regulation on the implementation of conformity assessment, the content of the document of compliance, as well as the shape, appearance and content of the mark of conformity , with the application you are required to confirm that the request for issuing the Confrimration of Conformity has not been submitted to another notified body or that is withdrawn.

Notice from the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications.

According to Article 20 of the Rulebook the applicant may be the manufacturer, its agent or importer if the manufacturer or his representative is not registered in the territory of the Republic of Serbia!

According to Article 3 the representative IS: the legal entity or manufacturer registered in the Republic of Serbia, or a person residing in the Republic of Serbia, which was authorized in written form by the manufacturer that can on manufacturer’s behalf to take action from the authorities, and import products for placing them on Serbian market.

If you are a representative of the manufacturer, it is necessary to provide written authorization for representation issued by the manufacturer.

For each device for which you require Confirmation of Conformity please fill in the Form of individual requests.

When first applying for RE Confirmation of conformity you are obliged to submit IN PAPER FORM TWO COPIES of Agreement on Conformity Assessment that is on second page of this form. After signing by Kvalitet a.d., one copy will be returned to you.

Rulebook on Radio-equipment

Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society (as a legal preceding the present Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications) issued the Rulebook on Radio-equipment.

It stipulates that for certain groups of products it is necessary to obtain the Confirmation of Conformity before putting them in use in Republic of Serbia.

Rulebook implements Directive 2014/53/EU of the European Union and introduces a system of conformity assessment of radio-equipment in accordance with the European regulatory framework and practice.

By the Decision of the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications number 345-01-00244/2013-07 from October 22nd 2013 Kvalitet a.d. Niš was appointed as conformity assessment body for this Rulebook.

List of Serbian standards relating to radio-equipment is here.

Appliances for which the Rulebook on Radio-equipment applies

Article 20 of Rulebook has a list of radio-equipment states that it applies to.

This regulation does not apply to:

  • Radio-equipment used by radio amateurs, except for amateur radio equipment available on the market;
  • Radio-equipment intended for maritime and aeronautical radio-communications, which are subject to special regulations;
  • Radio-equipment that are exclusively used by the authorities responsible for defense, internal affairs and the Security-Information Agency for their own purposes.

Appliances for which Kvalitet a.d. issue Confirmations of conformity

According to the Decision on designation and и Decision on designation for mobile phones and similar equipment Kvalitet a.d. may issue Confirmations of Conformity for the following equipment:

  • Information technology equipment
  • Mobile phones, user equipment and other devices that use digital cellular radio-communication systems and operate under network control
  • External devices for powering mobile phones
  • Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio frequency devices
  • Short Range Devices (SRD):
    • not cpecified
    • SRD for debugging and monitoring
    • broadband wireless data network
    • SRD for radiodetereminatory application
    • SRD alarms
    • SRD for modul colntrol
    • SRD with induction application
    • radio microphones and hearing aids
    • radio frequency identification systems (RFID)
    • active medical implants and associated peripherals
    • wireless applications in healthcare
    • information technology devices
    • SRD for wireless audio applications